The International Awards Committee of Lambda Alpha International has chosen Paul Desjardin as the 2021 recipient of the International Public Official & Urban Affairs Award, an award presented only biennially by the Society. Paul is the Director, Community Planning Services at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments. In his nomination, the George Washington Chapter noted the following in their enthusiastic nomination:
… Paul DesJardin has been at the forefront of regional land use, planning, and transportation in the Washington, DC region for the last three decades (30 years!) through his exemplary work at the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (COG)
…DesJardin’s career at COG has been all about relationships. His familiarity with elected officials, CAOs, local government staff, and stakeholders allows him to jump into very different projects and help guide decision making. In his tenure he has provided a consistent understanding of and historic perspective on regional policy; his experience transcends the relatively short terms of most local elected and appointed leaders, and his advice and opinions are very valued by the region’s policy makers.
The award will be presented to Paul on 05-07 May at the spring 2022 LAI Land Economics Weekend in Sacramento, California.