LAMBDA ALPHA INTERNATIONAL George Washington Chapter Awards Program August 8, 2023 Introduction The George Washington Chapter Lambda Alpha International Awards Program recognizes the accomplishments of members and other individuals who have advanced the field of land economics through their achievements and service to their profession, the Greater
Read more →On a rainy summer day, over 50 hardy souls convened in Columbia, MD to learn about the current progress and future plans in building the Columbia Town Center. Greg Fitchitt, President of Columbia for The Howard Hughes Corporation was the presenter. He gave a brief overview of
Read more →The presentation at the April LAIGW meeting described future plans for two areas of the District where Redbrick is creating new facilities and communities in the SE area of DC. To learn more about these innovative and important projects, see the websites below. Redbrick web site: Bridge
Read more →The LAIGW luncheon presentation on March 24 featured Lisa Govoni from Montgomery County Planning and Matt Ladd from Arlington County Planning. The topic of the presentation was Missing Middle Housing. The Arlington County Board recently adopted zoning changes to allow additional types of housing to be built
Read more →LAIGW members heard an informative presentation at our February meeting from Rich Harrington from the DC Mayor’s office. The presentation focused on the District’s work related to the Build Back Better initiative. Decision making about the targets for expenditures is complicated and it was interesting to get
Read more →January Meeting Recap On January 27th, LAIGW members were treated to a fascinating presentation on a new development taking place in Henrico County, VA, outside Richmond. Michael Hallmark from Future Cities presented details about the proposed development of GreenCity, a 200-acre planned eco-district in the greater Richmond area for up
Read more →December 16, 2022 To view the powerpoint from this meeting, click this link:LAI_Leinberger_DC as Model The members in attendance at the meeting were presented with thoughtful information on city development, walkability and neighborhood character. Chris Leinberger discussed development in Washington, DC as a model aspired to
Read more →At the November LAIGW meeting, LAIGW had its largest attendance since the start of the pandemic. Attendees heard an excellent presentation on the timely topic of converting office space to residential use. David Haresign FAIA, partner at Bonstra | Haresign ARCHITECTS discussed the potential for such conversions,
Read more →At the September luncheon meeting, Steve Segerlin from WMATA made a presentation on WMATA’s 10 Year Strategic Joint Development Plan. In addition, the Plan won a chapter award. For those who have not had an opportunity to review the plan, the powerpoint presentation from the September meeting
Read more →Over 60 members and guests attended the 2022 LAIGW Investiture of New Members and Awards Ceremony at the Cosmos Club on October 24. Kudos to Jody Kline, Chapter President and Patty Nicoson, Awards Chair for making this event happen. In attendance as special guests were Gary Leach,
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