Over 50 members and their guests attended the June 28 meeting at Clydes of Gallery Place.

We had a record number of guest.  The following guests were some of those in attendance.  We will update this list when the guest names are confirmed.

Ginger Revercomb, Senior Manager Business Development, Gilbane

Efric Womeldorff, Principal Fehr & Peers’ Washington DC office

Chris Huffer, Associate Principal, SK & I Architects

Tim Bragan, Co-principal,  DC office of MKSK Architects

Rita Yurow, Marketing Director, MKSK Architects

Xibei Song, Senior Associate, MKSK Architects

Michael Welsh, Architect, WMATA

The members were treated to a delicious lunch and a comprehensive presentation given by Leah Riley, Director of Downtown Innovation in the office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development.  In her very thorough presentation, Leah presented facsts and figures about the current downtown area and DC’s Economic Strategy for Revitalization.  She discussed foundational plans guiding the way, including the Comeback Plan, Downtown Action Plan, Public Realm Plan, and the work of the Gallery Place – Chinatown Task Force.  The final section of the presentation highlighted the investments DC is planning to implement the various components of the plans.

Click here to view a copy of the presentation